Profit from commission marketing on Souq 2022

Profit from commission marketing on Souq 2022

Profit from affiliate marketing on Souq 2022

Profiting from commission marketing on Souq Affiliate 2022 is a high profit. Affiliate marketing is one of the best free forms of promotion that has spread widely in recent times, as there is more than one way in which products can be promoted, and the program offers many advantages to subscribers.

Souq Affiliate 2022 is one of the largest online stores in the Arab world, so through the following topic presented to you from our site, we will present everything related to profit from commission marketing on Souq Affiliate 2022.

Profit from commission marketing on Souq Affiliate 2022

The program offers publishers and website owners as well as e-marketers the possibility of commission marketing and getting commissions by referring users to com and they can earn up to 9.6% each time a purchase is made on com

Some different sites and channels talk about the Souq Affiliate system, but so far there is no organized information that can help you understand and follow that system, so we will explain to you everything related to profit from commission marketing on Souq Affiliate 2022 in an organized and useful manner In the following lines.

Souq Affiliate Explanation

Profit from commission marketing on Souq Affiliate 2022 is that the owner of a product agrees with marketers for his product, and then gives them a commission on each sale made through them.

We also find that commission marketing through the Internet is very similar to brokerage on the ground, and Affiliate Souq is a specific system established by and specializes in marketers on the company’s website. Marketers work on marketing products in exchange for a commission profit on Every piece that is sold.

In the previous period, videos spread widely about the affiliate system, from which this program began to spread, and many questions about its spread.

Features of Suq Affiliate

There are many features of the affiliate system, and these features are: is one of the largest marketing websites in the Arab world. So it makes it the perfect choice for product promotion. has a large number of products that you can easily choose from.

The site provides many ready-made banners that you can display on your site and market your links.

Enrollment in this program is free and does not require any form of waiting for admission.

It offers 4 different gadgets that you can use to promote products.

Sales commissions are up to 13%.

How to register in the Souq Affiliate Program

There are some steps that you can follow to be able to register in the affiliate program, and those steps are:

First, you have to go to the affiliate account creation page.

In this step, a page will appear asking you to enter some of your information such as date of birth, name, email, and residence number.

Then fill in all these data and make sure they are correct, and press Register.

Then a different page will appear for you, enter all your data on that page such as phone number, address, zip code, and website if it died, and if it is not available, choose Other.

Then agree to the terms and conditions and click Register or Complete.

Then you will go to a login page, in which you type the email address that you previously registered with, in addition to

To enter the password.

By this, you have completed the login process, and you will be taken to the page of all your information and products that are marketed

How to promote and profit on

There is a specific strategy that you define and follow to work in the affiliate system and be able to achieve profits and sales, and there are a different number of ways that you can rely on in that strategy, and we will show you the most important of them, their advantages and everything related to them in the following lines.

Promote on Facebook for free

Facebook is one of the largest platforms for social networking in the Arab world, and it also allows you to reach millions of users in the best possible way and without much effort.

You can rely on this method primarily if you have a page or group that has a large number of users or any other active group, through which you promote products for free by posting pictures of products with an explanation of their specifications, features, and price.

Then put the link to buy through, and do not exaggeratedly post this type of group so as not to be banned from managing the group, one or two posts per day are enough.

Youtube promotion

YouTube is one of the best platforms through which you can promote products, because YouTube is one of the largest social platforms with millions of visits daily, and it is considered one of the best opportunities that you can exploit and promote and make the best profits through product reviews.

Create a channel, display and review the products you want to promote, explain their advantages and disadvantages, and then add the purchase link in the video description.

Summary of the topic in 6 points

Based on what was presented on this topic, we find that:

Profiting from commission marketing on Souq Affiliate 2022 is one of the best ways that have spread in recent times to raise money.

You can promote the product through YouTube, Facebook, or your site, and add the purchase link for the website.

The commission in the affiliate system on clothes is 12% in Saudi Arabia, and 13% in Egypt.

Commissions for sales in the affiliate system are up to 13%.

Registration in the affiliate program is free of charge, without any waiting.

My experience of selling with Souq.Com

The experience of selling on, which is the largest Arab e-commerce site as a result of its continuous offers, in addition to the promotional advertisements that the site has taken care of over the past years and led to its classification as the most widespread and best-selling site throughout the year, so we review the experience of selling on And the disadvantages that resulted from this experience in addition to displaying the advantages that distinguish the site

Selling experience on

Despite the ease of selling through, as it does not require payment of money to be able to display the goods, it has many disadvantages that made the selling experience on it not good, these disadvantages are as follows:

The percentage related to the selling commission is not good, but rather an unsatisfactory percentage all, as it does not enable sellers who receive discounts to display their goods; Since the commission is 20% of the price.

The site does not apply the return policy, which requires that the piece is in the same original condition for sale, as the site allows the sold pieces to be returned, whatever their condition, as this causes a lot of losses to sellers; Since the goods are open or damaged the seller has to sell them again at lower prices which results in huge losses.

The site's interest is to consolidate the relationship between it and the buyers, so it is not allowed to resell the open pieces, and this leads to the need for the seller to find another way to sell the wrongly opened or used products.

The site's failure to provide a team to answer the seller's inquiries, which results in most of the time not responding to the inquiries submitted by the seller.

If the customer returns an item, the site imposes the commission related to the return on the seller, which exposes him to a loss, although there is no damage to the product in most cases, as there are some buyers who change their opinions.

In conclusion, I would like to clarify that the experience of selling on is not a good experience for many reasons, including the commission that does not provide the sellers with much profit, in addition to the lack of interest in applying the return policy for the product sold in its original condition because the buyer’s interest is first, in addition to applying the return commission to the seller, which results in The losses are reported to the seller even though the reason for the return is not caused by the product being damaged.

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